Saturday, August 31, 2019

Oil/Gas Pipelines: Opportunities and Challenges

Oil has become the most in-demand product in the world. It has become the center of round-table discussions, and never that a single day passed without it being on the news. Decrease in its supply could mean the downfall of nations, especially the industrialized ones. This was evident in three world oil crises in 1973, 1979, and a brief one in 1990, which reversed the flow of money, making the oil-producing countries in the Middle East the vital force that could change the direction of the future of the world. Their cut-offs in production led to the creation of policies and rules on consumption, saving, and independence from oil.A nation, controlling the production, selling, and over-all management of oil, is assured of a significant posting in any field of the world’s lifestyle, but most importantly in politics and economics (Tanter, 2007). To become something like this, a nation should invest in ways on how to transport oil from its sources to its consumers, like the creatio n of networks of pipelines.Research and development projects have been carried out and continuously be done to meet the challenges in connection with oil and gas pipelines. One of these is the continuing drive to discover more oil and gas reserves locked under the earth or offshore. There are still many places in the planet that need to be explored. Even the most extreme environments should be included, like what they did to the North Sea.Designing and manufacturing pipes will still emerge as one of the important factors in the realm of oil and gas pipelines. Through the years, designs have been continuously improved to accommodate several factors like environment, and the nature of oil and gas. Researchers now consider the direct relationship of the size of the diameter of the pipe with the flow capacity of the product. Moreover, they also examine the expansion and contraction of pipes during the transportation of oil and gas due to significant temperature change, which could resul t to cracks, collapse tensions, and other similar effects. Materials will continuously be tested to determine the best for pipes. Though steel is already being used, improvements are still being done to test durability. Stresses and fractures, especially offshore projects, should be accounted for to minimize the percentage of failure. Cathodic protection against corrosion should be upheld to the highest level to assure the survivability of the pipes throughout the project.Terrorism attacks on pipelines will remain one of the most feared human phenomena. This is due to the fact that whenever pipelines are bombed or attacked, industries are affected. With this, countries should strengthen their monitoring schemes to ensure the safety and zero attack on their pipelines.Keeping with the laws of nature and environment also poses great challenge to companies engaged in oil and gas pipelines. Discovery of new sites for extraction will always encounter similar scenario with the trans-Alaska crude pipeline project, which was delayed for nine years, because the construction of pipelines was attached to environmental issues (Kennedy, 1993). Environmentalists will still be around the corner to watch the movements of oil companies.A greater challenge is on the side of politics and regulation. Better policies and laws covering the construction of pipelines, and transportation of oil and gas should be enacted to cover threats and possible failure-causing movements, especially in explorations crossing two different countries. Faster approval of laws should be done to maximize the economic potentials of the discovered oil and gas reserves.The greatest challenge could be the offering of affordable price of pipelined products to consumers. Companies must take note that the advancements they make with pipe designs and manufacturing, and the entire pipeline construction and transportation project, should go at par with the purchasing power of consumers, who are directly affected b y any oil price hike.Since the drilling of the first commercial oil well in 1859 in Pennsylvania, the evolution of pipelines has gone a long way, though remaining as the most economical way (Kennedy, 1993). Oil and gas pipelines are efficient, using only 4% of the energy content of the transported product. This is far better in comparison with other modes of transportation like water, rail, and trucks (Dykesteen & Frantzen, 1991).Higher levels of technology give way for the development of better pipes and more sophisticated pipeline networks. These could yield higher efficiency rate and better service for the people, who basically need the product in their everyday living.The construction of country’s own pipelines could spell independence from importing oil and gas from foreign countries. This could also alleviate problems on oil crisis, and cut-off on importation rate. This could consequently clip the country to economic prosperity because of the removal of the burdens of o il importation.Pipelines transport oil, and natural gas from extracting wells located in the different parts of the globe, including the most hostile areas like Alaska and Siberia. These products are then refined, and prepared for consumption by all citizens in all corners of the world. These products when properly used could continuously fuel the economic progress of any country involved with it.References:CBC News Online. 2006. The price of oil – in context. Retrieved 29 June 2007., E & K Frantzen. 1991. Multiphase Fraction Meter Developed and Field Tested. Oil & Gas Journal. 18 February 1991: 50.Kennedy, JL. 1993. Oil And Gas Pipeline Fundamentals. 2nd ed. Oklahoma: PennWell Books.Tanter, R. 2007. Pipeline Politics: Oil, Gas and the US Interest in Afghanistan. Znet. Retrieved 29 June 2007., J. 2006. Additions on the Capacity of the US Natural Gas Pipeline Network: 2005. Energy Informat ion Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. Retrieved 29 June 2007.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Paul the Spirit and the People of God Essay

Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God by Gordon Fee lays out a prescription for true spiritual success to cure what ails churches of all kinds. The main treatment is the Holy Spirit-led life. Fee’s major work â€Å"God’s Empowering Presence† is foundational in the area of Pauline pneumatology. This book successfully condenses the heavy exegesis of the larger work into an easily readable text. Fee has a lot of poignant and challenging things to say concerning modern-day evangelicalism’s understanding of the Holy Spirit. The difference between Christians today and Paul is staggering. The same spirit that lives in Paul and Jesus is the same spirit that is in Christians today. The western culture of Christians in today’s world live in very similar environment that the early Greco-Roman Western environment of Paul’s day. Disconnection has occurred because as Fee states â€Å"is in the large part to their experience of the reality of the Spirit’s presence.† This presents a very concerning issue with the church today who sometimes take the either/or approach to the Spirit between the gifts and the fruit of Spirit. The Spirit was an empowering force to Christian in the early church era. This power was not limited to signs and wonders, healings, or tongues but it was to empower the whole life of a Christian to grasp the beauty of being made in the image of God. The Spirit of God was the fulfillment of all the Jewish prophesies on how God would return His Presence to mankind again. The Trinitarian views became grounded because of Paul’s revelation on the very real true nature of God. The triune nature of God as one shows the vital importance that God is a relational being. He desires relationships and He has sent His Spirit for the church to be unified as one bride. Even though individual people experience salvation and become children of God, the goal is not a set of individuals for heaven but to create one people that lived a life of heaven in this day and age. A people for His name and glory. Just as important as Christians experiencing the Spirit of God is the understanding of the â€Å"already/not yet† aspect of heaven. The future of heaven has begun by the outpouring of His spirit and it guarantees a future consummation of a new heaven and earth. The Spirit is the key in worship for the people of God, as it gifts people with different diverse gifts might build up the church to live in this state of already/not there yet heaven on earth until the final coming of God. Throughout todays western culture the thought of God and spirituality are separate entities to everyday life. To be spiritual means to read the Bible, listen to worship music, or pray. These ideas are reinforced by the pastors every Sunday and as well as during the weekly men’s, women’s, teen, and children ministry times. After church services Christians go about their life and try to spread the gospel of Jesus because if people believe in God they don’t go to hell. The Spirit of God is a powerful force that is used to speak in tongues, prophesy, and heal people. Westernized Christians see the Spirit as a powerful unreliable tool. The problem with the way this Western mindset is we interpret and see the scripture that Paul speaks of with a tainted eye. Paul sees the Spirit as Gods fulfillment of promise to His people, the people that He adores, and gave His sons life for. The fulfillment to this promise is that Gods presence would once again be among His people but if they accepted Him, He would indwell them and bring them to life! Paul never writes about what Christians should do as a doctrine but he instead is describing a process in how to connect with God. When Paul describes in 2 Corinthians chapter four about him encountering the Spirit of God. Not only is he beholding the Glory of God but he is being transformed into Gods likeness. This love that rushes like a mighty stream to his heart causes him to cry out daddy because of his adoration to God. The children of God are designed to be in a vulnerable relationship with God. They are designed to hear His voice and understand that He is not an impersonal being. The only way is through experience. The western mindset makes it tough to swallow some of Paul’s revelations about life. Especially about the how everyone is part of one body. In a culture that is all about personal achievement and looking out for ones-self, people get trapped in this self-absorbed mentality that has poisoned the church. This imagery that Paul presents to all believers are part of one body. This shows that the spirit brings all people who are children of God together in unity. God is about unity in relationships and according to Paul it is the Spirit that draws us into unity as one body. The amazing part is that the sins that grieve the Holy Spirit are the sins of discord of one another. The Holy Spirit wants the relationships of people to be so vibrant and alive! The denominational churches of today’s age grieve the Holy Spirit. The discourses of beliefs have caused the body of Christ to be ripped apart. Paul does not see Jew or Gentile when he sees people but he sees sons and daughters of God. The church might not see that truth about who they are but through the revelation of the Spirit, he grasps who people really are. As children of God being in Christ through the Spirit all a part of one body. The church must begin to realize and grasp the revelation of the work that the Spirit is doing and not quench it. Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God by Gordon Fee gives the readers a glimpse into the revelation of Paul in the New Testament. Revelation only comes by experiencing the Spirit of God. A remarkable book on how children of God can live in the here/not yet concept of Heaven on earth. Fee will challenge the way the readers view and interact with God and others in order for heaven to be brought down more in every life.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research Paper on the Language Used to Talk About Sex.

Mitigating the Discomforts of Sexuality How do women talk about sex? This is the question that drives the heart of this research. In the proposed ethnographic research, I will investigate the linguistic tools that women use to mitigate the discomfort in talking about sex. The selected field of study is a passion party, in which a group of friends and family members gather at a private residence with the explicit purpose to learn and talk about sex. A passion party consultant is invited to demonstrate sexual products, sell the products to the guests, and stimulate talk.Nevertheless, with the foremost purpose to educate women about sex. Passion parties are often part of a bacholorette party. Therefore, the data that I will later analyzed is derived from a friend’s bacholorette passion party and video recordings posted online. Subsequently, the data will be analyzed with a focus on the linguistic semiotic process that index sexuality and the linguistic construction of humor that serve to alleviate embarrassment of talking about sex among women and overcome linguistic ideologies of female sexuality.First, lets explore the linguistic inequalities that exist in gender which provide the building blocks of the construction of the linguistic ideology that places female sex talk as a taboo subject. â€Å"At the heart of language and social inequality is the idea that some expressions of language are valued more than others in a way that is associated with some people being more valued than others and some ideas expressed by people through language being more valued than others (Philips, 474). † Susan U.Philips argues that social and language inequality is the outcome of the ideologies that value features of language and society over others, in which the people with the dominant feature or trait is valued more than others and thus the ideas of the less valued individuals are suppressed through the suppression of their forms of speech. Furthermore, Philips st ates women are often placed in linguistic ideologies like the idea that women‘s language is perceived powerless compare to the male counterpart which indexes them as the marked gender .I will expand her argument by stating that American Culture has a linguistic ideology that places female sex talk as a taboo subject and suppresses forms of speech in which women communicate about sex. As described by Phillips, women frequently speak freely in the privacy of their own home, but sometimes there is denial of complete access of the public sphere through a silencing process. For instance, as illustrated by Philips in the Tonga culture women are not allowed to participate in political and authoritative decisions and therefore their opinions are silenced. I will further expand Philips argument by applying it to American culture.In which, the ideology of no sex talk limit women to the private spheres to talk about sex and in the public sphere women are not supposed to talk about sex, e xplicitly sexual experience and experimentation. Second, I will investigate further how the linguistic ideology of no-sex talk develops in young adults specifically young women and subsequently into adulthood. According to West, sex education is salient in the development of the youth, but the subjects most ignored because of their taboo content are masturbation, pleasure, wet dreams, and other explicit sexual experiences.She argues that sex education in school is limited to reproduction and abstinence that warns students in particularly females about the risk of having sex and often in the public environment men are encourage to have sex while young women are warned of the consequences. Furthermore, West states that legal rights that give the right to parents to withdraw their children from sex education illustrates how sex education in youth is not universally accepted.West’s argument functions as the backbone to my argument that of the construction of the language ideology in American culture in which women are not supposed to talk about sex, because women are proscribed from having and talking about sex. Finally, humor is used to mitigate the discomfort when women talk about sex. According to Norrick, humor can be used to overcome taboo subjects. Furthermore, he illustrates that irony flaunts Grice’s maxims and â€Å"irony can elicit laughter, disrupt conversations and lead to further joking (Norrick, 233). I argue that women can use techniques that flaunt Grice’s maxims like irony that save face and then triggers humorous language that can be framed with linguistic semiotic features such as intonation and embodied communication. Additionally, I will argue that women utilized this linguistic tool when confronted with sex talk as a form of coping mechanism. In the following data I will illustrate my argument that states that in American Culture the linguistic ideology that places female sex talk as a taboo subject suppresses forms of s peech in which women communicate about sex.For instance, women form private spheres like a passion parties to explicitly explore sexuality and in these spheres women use specific language that mitigate the discomfort of sex talk. For instance, the following data illustrates the usage of indexicality to alleviate discomfort. (1) While bride maid’s mother eats a chocolate covered banana 1 G: Hey(. )Your mother likes to SWALLOW? ((pointing towards the BM)) 2 FB : Mother ((puts her hands over her eyes)) 3 BM: What (. I love^ chocolate covered b-a-nanas ((then takes a big bite out of the banana everyone laughs)) [G: guess, FB: future bride, BM: bride’s mother] During this conversation, the reference to chocolate covered bananas indexes sexuality based on its pragmatic context rather then referring to an actual chocolate covered banana. Although the banana is part of the discourse during the conversation, the banana is used as the mediator to facilitate communication of a se xual reference. Furthermore, the semantic meaning on the utterance is dependent upon the pragmatics of the context.The following examples further exemplifies indexicality as a form of mitigating sex talk. (2) Party consultant rubbing lotion upon the forearm of a guess 4 PC: Its Good to eat (. ) Rub on it and lick it? 5 G : Hmm then its good with eggs and SAUSAGE [G: guess, PC: party consultant] As the party consultant rubs an eatable lotion upon the forearm of the guess, in line 5 the guess responds with a reference to eggs and sausage. Like I mention previously, the semantic meaning of the utterance is dependent on the context.Therefore, the eggs and sausage are do not index actual food, but it indexes a sexual reference. Like Ochs illustrates in â€Å"Indexing Gender†, Indexes have constitutive property in which there is an indirect index and an direct index to social reference that comes from linguistic features. For instance, the direct index of eggs and sausage in line 5 is the actual food and the indirect index would be the sexual reference. This is a very ingenious way in which women play with linguistic tools to facilitate the discourse of sex talk.In addition, it can be seen as a linguistic limitation in which women feel the need to facilitate conversation using indexes rather than directly conveying sexual references. The linguistic construction of humor is a linguistic tool women use to alleviate embarrassment of talking about sex among women and overcome linguistic ideologies of female sexuality. Furthermore, humor is a methodology in which women’s sexual expression is bound by linguistic ideology in the United States that prevents women to sexually express themselves freely.The following data would look at the framework of humor and the way in which is linguistically constructed by flaunting Grice’s maxims. The following data was extracted from an online video taped data. (3) Party consultant rubbing lotion upon the forearm of the guess 6 PC: Its very [moisturizing 7 GM: I got one] in every room? ((sarcasm)) 8 PC: Ohh (. ) Dats So GOOD? ((explosion of laughter)) 9 GM: (2) soo I think it would of helped a lot 10 GM: ? maybe not in my marriage but with a boyfriend or somthn? 11 GD: Grand MAMA? ((explosion of laughter)) 12 GM: I know? ((smiling but slightly irritated)) PC: party consultant, GM: grand mother, GD: grand daughter] The above data reflects my argument that women can use techniques that flaunt Grice’s maxims to save face and then triggers humorous language that can be framed with linguistic semiotic features such as intonation and embodied communication. In line 7, the grand mother cuts off to the party consultant with a sarcastic response. â€Å"I got one in every room†. This exemplifies how Grice’s Maxim of Manner is flaunted by the grandmother because she is purposely disobeying and creating obscurity of expression with sarcasm.This violation of the maxim triggers a humor which in turn triggers further humor. The humorous utterances are framed with intonation that accents humor lines like Grand MAMA and high pitch on the end of senses. Embodied communication accents humor in which silly facial expression and gestures that index sexual references. For instance, In line 11 the grand daughter hears her grandmother speak so explicitly about sex that triggers her to respond with wide eyes that express shock which contradict her smiling face.Although the grand daughter is shock by her grandmother’s comment, she accepts it because it was put in a humorous context. Therefore, humor is a linguistic tool that women specifically can used to linguistically express sexually by mitigating the discomfort that comes with sex talk. How do women talk about sex? This is the proposed question that drives the heart of this research. Attempting to answer the question, I have argued that American Culture has a linguistic ideology that places female sex talk as a tab oo subject and suppresses forms of speech in which women communicate about sex and limit women to talk about sex privately.Women find private outlets like passion parties, but the form in which they communicate is limited with method that mitigate discomfort. For instance, indexicallity is used to indirectly index sexual references that facilitates communication. Furthermore, flaunting Grice’s maxims as a linguistic tool to mitigate sex talk, a trigger of humorous responses that open the channels of communication through humor. Works Cited Duranti, Alessandro. â€Å"Language and Social Inequality by Susan U. Philips. A companion to linguistic anthropology . Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. , 2004. 474-495. Print. Norrick, Neal R.. â€Å"Humor in Interaction. † Language and Linguistics Compass 4. 4 (2010): 232-244. Print. West, Jackie. â€Å"(Not) talking about sex: youth, identity and sexuality. † The Sociological Review 47. 3 (1999): 525-547. Print. Ochs, Elinor. â €Å"Indexing Gender. † . † Rethinking Context: language as an interactive phenomenon, ed. by A. Duranti & C. Goodwin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, (1992)pp. 335-358. Print

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Offensive Ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Offensive Ad - Essay Example I have however, submitted this report for your review and to further guide your future marketing decisions. The report is a comprehensive one and raises all issues with offensive advertising. After reading wide on the theory of advertising and what the society considers as offensive, I set off to do a survey using Dale Wurfel Used Vehicles. Luxury German auto-maker BMWs original 2008 ad featured a female model lying on a bed, looking seductively at the camera. Both ads display the same image. This ad features a young blonde woman who is considered a non virgin as the copy reads â€Å"You know you are not really the first. But do you really care?† Well, used car owners may not care about buying a used car but I’m sure many women will care that they are being objectified in order to sell used cars. The two images are displayed below. 7 To examine how consumers react to print advertisements on second hand cars that have been labeled as offensive. I also compare the dimensions of consumer perceptions for different respondents and how consumer perceptions are related with intentions to reject the products and the brands because of the ads. A survey of 25 respondents aged 17 to 58 from Strathoy, Ontario where the used Dale Wurfel dealership is located. A questionnaire with two ads containing sexism and other themes was constructed. Data were collected through the neighborhood. Findings on perceptions of the offensive advertisements among the respondents were mixed. Overall, as expected, older respondents were less accepting of offensive advertising, as they liked the advertisements less than younger respondents. However, they were also more likely than younger respondents to find the advertisements convincing and informative. Results showed that old respondents and young respondents had different dimensions of advertising perceptions. The two print advertisements that received the most negative perceptions both contained sexually-oriented body images. The

Juveniles should be sentenced and incarcerated as adults for violent Essay

Juveniles should be sentenced and incarcerated as adults for violent crimes, such as first degree murder - Essay Example uveniles charged with capital offences have been using the age limit to defend their clients and various state laws have been supporting this argument. The juveniles might not be in a mature state of mind to face such capital charges. Moreover, the defense has been casting the juveniles’ guilt on several on other people including their parents. Indeed, in the De’ Marquise Elkins’s murder case, the defense attempted to cast guilt upon several others, including the childs parents and the laxity in police investigations (â€Å"Associated Press† 1). Ideally, the juvenile’s parents are responsible for their children’s action and hence have a leeway to prevent them from committing capital crimes for the first time. This supports the opposition against sentencing and incarcerating juveniles for violent crimes. The courts of law should sentence and incarcerate the juveniles as adults for violent crimes because they bear sole responsible for such crimes, their innocent parents cannot bear that guilt, evidence and facts proves their guilt, and they can serve in youth corrections on the juvenile charges as they wait to join adult prisons upon conviction. Indeed, the courts should rely on concrete evidence and convict the responsible suspects regardless of their age. In De’ Marquise Elkins’s murder case, the Jurors relied on evidence and deliberated for a long time before finding De’ Marquise Elkins guilty of 11 counts, including two counts of felony murder and one count of malice murder in the March 21 killing of 13-month-old Antonio Santiago in Brunswick (â€Å"Associated Press† 1). The court has a duty to place criminal responsibility on the juveniles if they were on sober mind and mental health while committing the capital offenses. Although the juvenile’ s parents have a responsibility over their children’s actions, the court should not cast the guilt on such parents if they were innocent. In fact, in the case of De’ Marquise Elkins’s murder case,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Character Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Character Analysis - Essay Example is angry like when she declared â€Å"That was not a successful intervention, Ferret Face† after he declares that the family reaction to Rose’s behavior is â€Å"something that the whole family agrees upon.† Through Violet’s eyes, we can see the Rose desperately tries to reach out to reality but realizes she is becoming a burden, and she says â€Å"don’t hate me† to her mother in an attempt to make up for what she has done wrong unintentionally. The mother and the father are significant in the story as they present different views of how parents deal with mentally imbalanced children. One becomes too pragmatic that they become too detached with the situation, making them seem uncaring. This is significantly seen when she blatantly declares that her daughter â€Å"doesn’t need a heart to heart talk with mom, she needs a hospital.† But it is actually their shield to cover up for their fear as can be felt when she says â€Å"warrior queens†¦I raised warrior queens.† The other parent becomes the one attempting to shield himself from the reality of the situation. Like when the father insists that they talk more to Rose and when didn’t want to go to the woods when Rose finally killed

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Retention of Students in Higher Education Research Paper

The Retention of Students in Higher Education - Research Paper Example In such a context it is imperative that providers and students understand the factors which can help or hinder student success, so that time and energy are not wasted on negative outcomes and experiences. An important way of measuring student (and by implication also provider) success is to examine retention rates and explore reasons why some courses are, by this measure at least, more successful than others. This method has the advantage of being quantitative in terms of providing the raw data for the study, and qualitative in terms of exploring the underlying reasons for trends in this data. Criminal justice programmes are among the most popular choices for undergraduate students and they are offered in a wide range of public and private college and university settings. Popularity has its disadvantages, however, in that larger numbers of students can mean more pressure on resources, lower retention rates, and considerable wastage in the system. The purpose of this empirical study is first to gather data on the range of criminal justice programmes available in the UK and to analyze rates of retention on a comparative basis. This will establish a quantitative basis for further examination of underlying trends in this area and will highlight any variations that emerge. This factual information will be obtained from Funding Council records, department Chairs, and publicly available information from university and other websites and databases. The gathering of data alone provides only part of the picture, namely what is actually happening in terms of student retention on Crim inal Justice Courses in the UK.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What Should Eastern European Migrants in UK Do In Order To Be More Dissertation

What Should Eastern European Migrants in UK Do In Order To Be More Gainfully Employed - Dissertation Example 20 i. Factors that will make the Eastern European Migrant Workers become More Gainfully Employed in UK †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 21 III. Research Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 23 a. Primary Research Study Design †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 23 b. Quantitative Research Survey Questionnaire Design †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 23 c. Site Settings, Population and Sample Size †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 24 d. Methods of Quantitative Measurements †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 24 e. Research Ethics †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 25 IV. Research Findings and Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 26 V. Conclusion and Recommendations...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 31 a. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 31 b. Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 32 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 34 Appendixes †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦ 45 Appendix I – Research Survey Questionnaire †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.. 45 Appendix II – Summary of Research Survey Results †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦... 48 Tables and Figures †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 52 Table I – List of Qualifications According to Each Category †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 52 Table II – Out-of-Work Benefits...The ability to work and to live abroad made thousands of people leave their home and go to look for a better living in UK. Hull, like other cities in UK experienced rising number of immigrants coming from East and Central Europe. According to Department for Work & Pensions, the total number of immigrants coming to Hull between 2004 – 2008 from east and central European countries was 6.780. Even though news reports claim that the economic recession in UK has ended (Allen 2011), a lot of Eastern European Immigrant workers are still facing difficulties with employment in UK. To understand why the Eastern European Immigrant workers are still facing difficulties with employment in UK, this study aims to gather secondary research data in order to clarify what is going on in the UK economy today. In order to achieve the aims of this study, a research survey will be conducted in order to learn more about the specific hopes and needs of the Eastern European migrant workers in the UK.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Religious terrorists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religious terrorists - Essay Example In short, religious terrorists are different from secular terrorists because they feel that their deity is commanding them to commit these acts, in addition to having a â€Å"greater purpose† for their actions and wishing to cleanse the world of those that do not believe as they do. The religious terrorist finds justification in their actions by committing grave acts in the name of whatever deity they worship. They consider their act to be an act of duty to their deity, and to them, if it is necessary to give their own life in addition to the lives taken for this cause, then so be it. Consider, for example, the role of suicide bombers. Frequently, those bombers shout prayers before pushing the button that will end their life and others, as they believe that their life’s sacrifice, as part of the war that they are engaged in, is worth it. They believe that when they are dead, they will then automatically be favored in the eyes of their deity; therefore, their sacrifice w as not in vain as they were carrying out the commands given to them. Lives other than their own are also considered acceptable losses in the eyes of the religious terrorist, mainly because their psychosis and/or underlying psychological issues have caused them to believe that everyone would like to die as well, but because their deity has commanded them to do so. Though these persons are most likely suffering from psychosis, such as paranoid schizophrenia or delusions, in their eyes they feel that their deity has commanded them to take these lives, and if necessary, their own. ... Religious terrorists differ from secular terrorists due to the lengths that they are willing to go to achieve their agenda. They believe, whether through psychosis or brainwashing, that they are the only ones that shall inherit the earth, and everyone else must die. It is not enough for the religious terrorist to simply banish those thought of, in their mind, as unclean, unworthy, or otherwise non-favored individuals. Their very existence must be wiped from the earth and the world, never to rise again, and they must not be permitted to spread, for those who believe as the religious terrorist does are the only ones that can be allowed to live. This reason is, I think, the biggest difference between religious and secular terrorists. Religious terrorists are willing to wipe out large portions of people; usually, secular terrorists are not. Though there are incidents of mass destruction when it comes to secular terrorists, without any religious agenda involved, religious terrorists, agai n, believe that they have been commanded to do these works by their deity, while secular terrorists usually do not see the value in mass killings or even mass destruction, as it is usually better (in their opinion) to attack a tactical or strategic target, such as a building. Their attacks are usually small and to the point, seeking to get a point across. For example, while they go after a target, they are not likely to kill anyone else around the primary target. To the religious terrorist, his or her point of view is the only view. You must believe as they do, or you must die. No amount of talking or negotiating will help; different beliefs must be wiped away. This makes the religious

Friday, August 23, 2019

Southwest airlines Comparative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Southwest airlines Comparative Analysis - Essay Example s the customers choose increasing demand, the company also receives less complaints compared to other airlines and this has made it to become a market leader in the airline industry. There are however other factors that has led to the success of South west airlines and they include the organization structure, organization culture and leadership, the following is an analysis of the company’s structure, culture and leadership compared to its competitors. Organization structures include the flat structures, tall structures, hierarchical structure, centralized and decentralized structures and each structure adopted has advantages and disadvantage associated. The company is organized in a hierarchical structure whereby top workers include the CEO and executive vice presidents. (Hoffer, 29) The advantage of this structure is that authority and a responsibility are clearly defined. Clearly defined roles help in reducing conflicts in an organization and also help in improving productivity and specialization. The other advantage associated with the hierarchical structure is that promotion paths are clearly defined. This means that workers are well motivated to achieve higher positions in the organization, promotion is based on performance and therefore top managers are well aware of the operations and activities in their division. High productivity is achieved where worker are motivated to improve performance which in turn leads to high profitability. (McCartney, 2007) Managers are specialized in the hierarchical structure, managers are promoted from non managerial positions in the organization and also from the same division they work and therefore they specialize in the same position and this ensures efficiency in the company. The other advantage of this structure realized by the Southwest airline is that workers are more loyal to their divisions; the company is divided in several divisions and these department help in improving productivity of workers through

Thursday, August 22, 2019

There Are Black Essay Example for Free

There Are Black Essay The blacks are considered by the white society as worthless slaves who have no choice but to be a housemaid or slave. Racism has been a popular issue for many years, and has caused many blacks to suffer because of their outward appearance. Aibileen faces as a victim to racial comments in the movie â€Å"The Help† directed by Tate Taylor which took place in the 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. Aibileen is a maid. African American housemaid who has just experienced the loss of her son and has raised about 17 children as a maid. Blacks did not have the equal rights like the white society caused many to have education for money. This essay will show to a large extent the struggles Aibileen goes through, and through camera angles, dialogue, it will provide in detail why Tate Taylor used Aibileen to communicate to the viewers the problem of racism has on our society. Racism has caused blacks to differ from the white society. The impact of racism back in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi provides the struggle of an individual name Aibileen an African American house maid through a white society. Aibileen in scene one talks about how she lost her only son and was left laying dead in front of a white hospital. As a mother their responsibility is to protect and ensure the child’s safety is their first priority. Tate Taylor uses a point of view shot on the wall in scene one which sows the picture of her son and a frame of Jesus Christ to enable the viewers to see how severe the issue about racism can lead to. The blacks are treated unfairly and the white society takes advantage of the situation by ensuring blacks would be their maid to do their dirty work. In scene two you see a mid and long shot was used on Aibileen and Mae Mobley. It allows the viewers to see the foreshadow between scene one and scene two when she loses her son, and comforting the baby girl she looks after. Tate Taylor suggests by using a long shot on them shows the sense of loss Aibileen has experienced ascertain the idea of sympathy towards Aibileen. When problems become piled up one by one you start to realize the only way through it is standing up for yourself. In the get together party in scene three a few girls all had a reunion which we see Skeeter joining in. Hilly makes a racist remark on black people carrying diseases which Aibileen can clearly hear from a distance. A point of view shot was used from Skeeter to Aibileen to see her reaction towards Hilly’s comment. This camera angle was used clearly to express the disappointment on Aibileen’s face and how racism can hurt others mentally and emotionally. As the scene went on the maids are at first reluctant to talk to Skeeter because the result of them losing their jobs and violence can affect their families. Aibileen was first to tell her stories which foreshadowed their way out to starting a new life. By the end of the film when Skeeter books are finally Alvin. S published, Aibileen loses her job and walks off. Tate Taylor uses an establishing shot while Aibileen walks off to indicate to the viewers that while she is leaving she is also starting a new life. This angle was used effectively to deliberately allow the viewers to see that a fresh new start is what Aibileen really needs. Dialogue gives the viewers a vital idea of decisions made by Aibileen. Dialogue is crucial because it provides us with tension and suspense to what is going to happen. Aibileen from the beginning in scene one knew she would become a maid. She saws â€Å"my mama was a maid; my grandmamma was a house slave†. Back in 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi the blacks ever want was fair treatment towards their society. Skeeter is used by Tate Taylor to provide the viewers the perspective of Aibileen as a black house maid. For many, blacks are afraid to stand up for what they believe in but Aibileen says to Hilly â€Å"All you do scare and lie to dry and get what you want: Hilly is used by the director to be the antagonist of the film and this quote by Aibileen shows the tension and anger that was bottled up inside Aibileen. â€Å"I aint never had no white person in my house† shows the contrast between both the white and the black society. Dialogue is very crucial for communication which allows the viewers to understand and critically know the situation in the film â€Å"The Help†. At the last scene of the film Hilly persuades Elizabeth to fire Aibileen as her housemaid. The quotes â€Å"My boy Trelaw said we gonna have a writer in the family on day, I guess it’s gonna be me† This establishes the struggles of Aibileen and portrays the idea that maybe one day she could retell the painful she experience she encountered as a housemaid. Dialogues show many views and angles and establish conflict and tension to effectively show a critical issue between Aibileen and the white society that surrounds her. In conclusion: Racism is an issue that still happens to this very day and is something most people all have witnessed. Like the Film â€Å"The Help† racism has a big influence on people in our society we live in today and through dialogue and camera techniques, Tate Taylor uses it effectively to help communicate the struggles of Aibileen as an individual but with support and faith she overcomes the obstacles that society throws at her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The abolitionist Essay Example for Free

The abolitionist Essay â€Å"My free life began on the third of September, 1838. On the morning of the 4th of that month, after an anxious and most perilous but safe journey, I found myself in the big city of New York, a free man, one more added to the mighty throng which, like the confused waves of the troubled sea, surged to and fro between the lofty walls of Broadway. † (Douglass, 1962) Frederick Douglass, indeed, was well prepared to enter the abolitionist crusade in August 1841 as a lecturer for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. Concerned with any publicity that could expose him to discovery and arrest by his master, In August 1841, after delivering his first speeches before a predominantly white abolitionist audience at Nantuckets Atheneum Hall, Douglass was invited to become a lecturer for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. Douglass at first declined the invitation, but John A. Collins, general agent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, refused to take no for an answer, and Douglass reluctantly accepted his request. â€Å"His preparation began during his twenty-year enslavement, and by the time he escaped from slavery in 1838, he had gained valuable experiences that contributed to his understanding of rhetoric and his identity as an orator. † (Lampe, 1998, pg 1) Frederick Douglass It is no surprise, then, that people began to question whether Douglass had ever been a slave. How, they wondered, could anyone who had been a slave and deprived of a formal education speak so eloquently and conduct himself with so much dignity and grace on the platform? During all these activities Douglass demonstrated his deep and abiding  commitment to the antislavery movement. He weathered unfriendly audi ¬ences, health problems, inclement weather, and assaults on the abolition ¬ist cause. The conventional view of Douglass at this stage of his career is that he confined his remarks to a simple narrative of his slave experiences, that he was very much under the wing of Garrison and the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, and that he adhered strictly to Garrisonian doctrine. Everywhere he went; he attracted large and enthusiastic audiences and infused excitement into the crusade against slavery. Douglass stated he was always ready to speak on slavery,  and added, in reply to some one who desired to have his name and that of the preceding speaker announced, and that he was afraid we cared too much to know who it is that speaks, instead of weighing well what was said. Douglass traveled extensively throughout the Bay State delivering his antislavery message. His rhetorical activities included impressive speaking performances at county, state, regional, and national antislavery meetings, as well as a solo lecture tour of Massachusetts. In addition, he played a crucial role in a lecture tour of Cape Cod, in which he traveled with William Lloyd Garrison, Henry C. Wright, and George Bradburn. In all of these activities, Douglass strengthened his standing as a powerful voice in the struggle for immediate abolition. A number of historians, recognizing the insufficiency and shortcomings of the white missionary effort, have emphasized instead the role of black preachers in spreading Christianity. There is, of course, considerable truth in one Southern clergymans observation that the colored people will, in spite of all our efforts, have more confidence in the views of leading colored members. At the same time, however, evidence suggests that black preachers intent on spreading the gospel to the unconverted faced considerable barriers, as Fanny Kemble witnessed in Georgia in 1839: There were a short time ago two free black preachers in this neighborhood, but they have lately been ejected from the place. I could not clearly learn, but one may possibly imagine, upon what grounds. (Rael, 1997) Frederick Douglass, who spoke after Garnet at the Convention, denounced the idea of a violent rebellion. Douglass, an eloquent ex-slave from Maryland, was the leading African American spokesperson of the time. Although he had been Garrisons protege and friend, they eventually had a public and dramatic falling out over differing interpretations of the Constitution. Whereas Garrison regarded the Constitution as a pro-slavery document, even going so far as to publicly burn it, Douglass took the wording of the Constitution to imply federal authority to either restrict or destroy slavery. (PBS Africans). 1843 was to be the year of the Hundred Conventions—a hundred antislavery meetings planned by the American Anti slavery Society. The goal of a hundred was never actually reached, but Douglass himself spoke at nearly that many meetings in 1843 as he traveled across New England, upstate New York, Ohio and Indiana, and back through Pennsylvania, gaining an increasingly strong and independent voice. While preaching against slavery as it existed in the South, he made constant references to what he was facing now in the North—a North that would not accord him equality. He believed fervently that the ending of slavery would mean the beginning of full manhood for his brothers and himself. With its end, they and he would be paid attention to, would be respected. Somehow, it was slavery that had bred the poison of racism. In the company of devoted proponents of universal reform, he did not waver in his belief that slavery was the one overriding evil that had to be gotten rid of before any other goals, however desirable, should be sought.

Financial Analysis of the Coca Cola company

Financial Analysis of the Coca Cola company The Coca-Cola Company (founded in 1919 Georgia, USA) today is the largest global manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. Its strategy is to become more competitive by using its vast assets-brands, financial strength, unrivalled distribution system and the strong commitment by management and employees worldwide. This report analyses Coca Colas financial performance during the period from 2005 to 2009 through the following steps: 1. Industry analysis 2. Firm Analysis 3. Financial Analysis in comparison with PepsiCo and the industry. 4. Evaluation and Conclusion The entire industry is under pressure because of currency fluctuations and high fuel prices. It cannot be concluded, however, that the beverage industry is being threatened more than other industries. The main threat is increasing consumer and regulatory awareness on health and nutrition considerations. There are 3 big players in the beverage industry. Buyers power and rivalry is quite significant throughout the industry. Coca Colas strengths are based on its global resources such as brand value, marketing innovation, strong capital base and distribution channels. Coca-Cola has achieved impressive profits records and ROCE exceeding by far the industry norms and PepsiCo. Although Coca Cola maintains low liquidity ratios, its ability to turnover the stock within a short period of 39 days and enjoy longer credit period with its suppliers, give sufficient comfort to meet its financial obligations. This implies that Coca-Cola has strong bargaining power. Historically, Coca-Colas dividend payouts have been over 50% of the net income of any given period. It is observed that Coca-Colas debt-financing strategy justifies the reasons for maintaining high debt-to-assets and debt-to equity ratios. Coca-Cola has the largest market share in the beverage industry and has a market capitalization of US$102bn which is far above an industry average of US$75bn. Coca Colas profits have steadily grown above industry norms and operational efficiency is quite impressive as indicated by revenue/employee which are twice as high as its main competitor and the industry. However, ROA declined year-by-year from 2005 thru 2009 couple with a decline in the share price. Nonetheless, the new leadership and management team has managed to improve the performance as evidenced by the excellent Q-3 2009 financial results and the resultant increase in EPS. Coca Cola has sound risk management policies that have enabled it to remain stable given the high foreign currency fluctuation, interest rate risks and political instability associated with the wide operation in over 200 countries. In particular, introduction, revision and implementation of effective marketing strategies, quick-decision-making, effective asset utilization, overall asset management policies and the dividend payout policies need immediate management attention, in view of the competitive nature of the beverage industry. Otherwise Coca-Cola may lose more grounds to its competitors. Table of Contents 1 Introduction.5 2 Macro Industry Analysis .6 3 Micro Industry Analysis ..7 4 Financial Analysis9 4.1 Profitability.9 4.2 Liquidity and Funds Management.10 4.3 Asset Management12 5 Evaluation.13 6 Conclusion14 7 References..15 8 Appendices 8.1 Appendix I Definitions of ratios used in the financial analysis.16 8.2 Appendix II Coca Colas Financial Ratios..20 8.3 Appendix III PepsiCo Financial Ratios22 8.4 Appendix VI Financial Statements 8.4.1 Coca Cola Financial Statements 8.4.2 PepsiCo Financial Statements 1 Introduction Coca-Cola (the beverage) was invented in May, 1886, in Atlanta, Georgia and the first drink was sold at a soda fountain in Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta by Willis Venable. The idea was if he could just get people to try Coca-Cola they Would buy it. History proved him right. In the beginning sales of Coca-Cola accumulated 50 US$ for the first year. Today the Coca-Cola Company is the largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. The company provides a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages, including carbonated soft drinks, juices and juice drinks, sports drinks, water products, teas, coffees and other beverages. Along with Coca Cola, this is recognized as the Worlds most valuable brand, the company markets four of the worlds top five Soft-drink brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. The companys main rival is the PepsiCo, although Coca Cola considers Tap water a long-term-indirect competitor. ( Coca Colas global operating structure includes the following operating segments: North America, Africa, Asia, Europe Eurasia and Middle East, Latin America and Corporate. This report analyses Coca Colas financial performance. The structure of the report is as follows: à ´Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬ ° The first part of the report includes a Macro and Micro industry analysis in which the beverage industry is analyzed The second part is the Firm Analysis, which highlights Coca Colas Capabilities, Competences and Recourses The core of the report is the Financial Analysis, in which Coca Colas financial ratios are compared with its main competitor (PepsiCo) and with (the non-alcoholic beverage) industrys standards where possible Finally the report ends up with an evaluation and a conclusion 2 Macro Industry Analysis As a global company operating within the soft-drink industry, Coca Cola has to content with the traditional Macro Environmental factors. The applicable laws within the United States and in many countries around the world impose restrictions for Coca Cola and the beverage industry. New deposit laws in the United States and in Europe require beverage bottlers and distributors charge a refundable deposit on beverage containers. Implementing this system requires significant capital investment to develop the capability to handle and process empty beverage containers. (Reuters). Many continue to associate health risks with consuming carbonized drinks. A recent study in the United States links the consumption of soft drinks with Type 2 diabetes and weight gain. This idea is supported somewhat by the medical community with statements such as: Anyone who cares about his/her health or the health of their family would not consume these beverages. Although this study was localized within the United States, from a Political and Legal perspective it has potential global implications throughout the industry. Beverage industry is affected, by a number of Economical factors that range from the cost to manufacture and distribute products, to foreign currency exchange fluctuations, fuel prices and weather patterns. Coca Cola has a global manufacturing network and it is also affected by these and other economical factors. For example Nestles (50% owned by Coca-Cola) sales increased with 12.6% in 2005 but due to the impact of foreign exchange rate the sales decreased by 6.3%. ( Danones profits margins have also been significantly affected by the increase in oil costs and hence, decided to increase their prices by up-to 12%. However it cannot be concluded that the beverage industry is more vulnerable than other industries. The beverage industry also faces environmental challenges. In India, for instance, where there is a serious shortage of water supply, the industry giants were strongly criticized on their use of water that constitutes 90% of the raw materials. This could invite governments to introduce new legislations that may have global implications on the global industry. Additionally, the company experienced culturally imposed operating restrictions when marketing its product in some countries, due to risks related to the socio-cultural factors such as obesity, that have potential adverse effects on the beverage industry. ( 3 Micro Industry Analysis The non-alcoholic sector is dominated by three major players, which together control 90% of the global market. However, the rivalry is fierce among the competitors: Nestle, Cadbury Sweppes PLC, Groupe Danone and Kraft Foods, with PepsiCo being the number one Rival for Coke. Coca Cola focuses primarily on carbonated soft drinks and fruit juices, while all of it competitors supply the market with other food products in addition to soft drinks. Coca Cola is continuing its diversification efforts, however and now owns 50% of Nestle, which currently dominates bottled water sales in some regions. Nonetheless, as a result of its past focus of relying primarily on the soft drink market, Coca Cola more vulnerable to fluctuating market conditions than its competitors. The non-alcoholic beverages market remains somewhat vulnerable to the threat of substitutes. The market has become saturated with the introduction of an array of soft drinks, sports drinks and bottled waters. By its own admission , Coca Cola considers tap water one of the main Substitute Products, and possibly a long-term indirect threat. Although many consider the consumption of soft drinks such as Coke (and Pepsi) a social event, the need to quench thrust remains a primary factor. Coca cola views the ready availability of tap water as a long-term threat, especially considering the decreasing reputation of carbonized soft drinks. One of the most significant threats to the beverage industry and Coca Cola is that of buyers power. Consumers can change their decision to buy at once. In 1985 for example, Coca-Cola decided to change the taste of its Cola. The consumers stopped buying Coca Cola even though taste tests demonstrated an improvement. (Hoovers) Coca Cola has long enjoyed limited vulnerability to Suppliers Power. Coca Cola maintains a solid position. Several resources providing global access to the main ingredients, such as Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners and Fruit Juice. However, this can change somewhat because Coca Cola recently experienced some limitation with the availability of raw materials due to increased activity in India. (Reuters) The key to success for all beverage companies is differentiation. The right product along with an effective marketing and branding campaign could create a formula for success. However, when it comes to New Entrants, it is unlikely that new entrants are going to form any creditable threat. Competition from PepsiCo remains the main threat for Coca-Cola. 5 Financial Analysis The financial analysis is based on the consolidated audited accounts of Coca-Cola Company and Subsidiaries made-out by Ernst Young for the past 4 years from 2005 to 2009 and comparisons are made against one of its main rivals PepsiCo. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with USA generally accepted accounting principles and standards of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. The audited accounts / reports bear an unqualified auditors opinion. 5.1 Profitability Coca- Cola has been able to maintain impressive gross profit margins (GPMs) during 2005 to 2009 ranged between 66% and 63% which is better than its main competitor PepsiCo, whose GPMs from2005 thru 2009 stood consistently at 54% and industry standard of 42.28% ( NET REVENUE Apparently, the cost structure of Coca-Cola and its overall cost-position is relatively better than PepsiCo although PepsiCo was able to achieve higher revenues than Coca-Cola by up-to 33%. This is further evidenced by the cost-to revenue ratio which was in the range of 75% and 69% for Coca-Cola and 82% and 83% for PepsiCo. NET INCOME Further, better overall cost-position by over 50%, and prudent cost-control enabled Coca-Cola to comparatively achieve better net incomes than PepsiCo as indicated by Net-Profit-Margin (NPM). On an average basis (from 2005 thru 2009) Coca-Cocas NPM stands at 29.815% higher than PepsiCos 18.765% by 59%. 5.2 Liquidity and Funds Management While current ratios for both companies are maintained at a reasonable standard of above 1:1 and are constant over the four years, quick ratios are also maintained at almost 1:1 and hence found to be relatively reasonable in meeting the short-term financial obligations. The cash ratio stands at 0.62:1 (slightly higher than PepsiCos 0.51:1) in 2009 which has improved, compared to 0.44:1, 0.32:1 and 0.23:1 in 2008, 2007 and 2006 respectively, mainly due to the increase in cash and cash equivalents balances to US$6.71bn in 2009 from US$3.36bn in 2008, US$2.13bn in 2007 and US$1.88bn in 2006. Generally, Coca-Cola has been maintaining better cash ratios than PepsiCo. CASH GENERATED FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES TO MATURING OBLIGATIONS Furthermore, although cash provided by operating activities have been steadily increasing at an overall growth rate of over 10%, Coca-Colas Cash-Generated-from-Operations-to-Maturing-Obligation (CGOMO) ratio declined to 0.59:1 in 2009 from 0.58 and 0.54 in 2008 and 2007 respectively due to the increase in current liabilities by over 39%. The key components to the overall increase in current liabilities are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increase of maturities of the long-term debt to US$1.5bn in 2009 from US$0.3bn, US$.18bn, US$0.1.6bn and US$1.4 in 2008, 2007, 2006 and 2005 respectively. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increase of loans and notes payable to US$4.5bn in 2009 from US$2.6bn in 2008, US$2.5bn in 2007, US$3.7bn in 2006 and US$3.0 in 2005. Nonetheless, there shouldnt be major concerns as Coca-Colas ability to collect its debts within 35 39 days and pay its creditors in almost 200 days while turning over its stock in 63 days, giving sufficient comfort to meet its financial obligations. Coca Cola has strategized in 2005 that by 2009 it intends to generate cash from its operating activities to the extent of 39 billion us$ 5.3 Asset Management Comparatively, Coca-Colas average stock holding period of 64 days is higher than PepsiCos 40 days, as indicated (STR in 2009). The trend shows that both companies have been consistently maintaining their STRs at almost the same levels. The better PepsiCos ratio could be attributed to the diversified nature of its product lines to include foods as compared to Coca Cola which is purely in drinks. Therere negligible differences in the debt collection periods where the number of days range between 35 and 39 for both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, which is considered reasonable in an industry which is highly competitive and where the norm is 60 days. This implies that both companies have the competitive edge that may enable them to avoid tiding-up the capital in the receivables and generate sufficient cash to meet their short term financial obligations. Credit payment period shows Coca-Cola enjoys a longer credit period of almost 200 days than PepsiCos 147 days. This implies that Coca-Cola has st ronger bargaining-power than PepsiCo, thus basically gives Coca-Cola a free interest loan. Notably, the fundamental difference in asset management policies between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo is Equity-method-investments by Coca-Cola which historically is among the key components of its asset-base. Coca Cola key Asset Components in 2009 6 Evaluation The global beverage industry is highly regulated and instabilities, changes and uncertainties in worlds political and economic environments pose risks and challenges to the beverage companies, especially those which operate in a global fashion. The sluggish global economy, budget deficits of major economic powers, steep rise in oil prices and sharp currency fluctuations are matters of concern in general that may potentially have adverse implications and put the profit margins under pressure for many companies. This is due to the increase in energy cost needed to run the plants and transport the products to the marketplace. Competition in the beverage industry is fierce; companies that are not widely diversified remain more vulnerable to threats such as, rivalry, buyers and suppliers powers. Product substitution and new entrants form a minor threat in the beverage industry. Coca-Cola, the largest global company with the largest market share in the beverage industry, has a market capitalization of US$102bn which is far above an industry average of US$75bn and slightly higher than PepsiCos US$98bn. Its global presence, wide and reliable distribution channels, strong capital and asset base and global brand recognition provide it with a competitive edge over its rivals and in achieving better economies of scale. However, ROA declined year-by-year from 2009 thru 2005 couple with a decline in the share price. Nonetheless, the new leadership and management team has managed to improve the performance as evidenced by the excellent Q-3 2009 financial results and the resultant increase in EPS. 7 Conclusion Coca Colas leadership and management structure and the overall organizational culture have recently been initiated by hiring the new CEO (E Neville), who now focuses on revamping the organizational structure and the strategies. His primary objectives are to promote Coca Colas historical strengths such as innovation, motivation, training and development, knowledge management and blow-up the bureaucracy that has long been existing in the company in order to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness. Coca Cola has got sound risk management policies that have enabled it to remain stable given the high foreign currency fluctuation, interest rate risks and political instability in view of the wide operation in over 200 countries. In particular, introduction, revision and implementation of effective marketing strategies, quick-decision-making, effective asset utilization, overall asset management policies and the dividend payout policies need immediate management action in view of the competitive nature of the beverage industry, Otherwise Coca-Cola may lose more grounds to its competitors. The overall financial position of Coca Cola is fantastically sound. The notable decline in ROA is not a matter of great concern particularly when the companys leadership and management team has got a breath of fresh air whose effectiveness is evidenced following the announcement of impressive Q3 2005 financial performance. The new CEO (E Neville) may have set a new course for the worlds number 1 soft drink giant.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Illusion vs. Reality in Macbeth :: essays research papers

What Can You Really Believe: Illusion vs. Reality in Macbeth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is reality? Do you honestly believe that everyone shows his or her true selves openly? Think again! Many characters in Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, are two-faced. Two examples of these people are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. These characters all put on false faces to impress people or hide things from people. The witches also kept repeating a quote that has a lot of meaning. They continued to say â€Å"foul is fair and fair is foul.† (I.i.12) This means that what seems right isn’t really right and what seems wrong isn’t really wrong. So the whole play is about false faces and how someone who seems normal and innocent isn’t really.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The witches also seem to be an illusion. They are in a way human like, but at the same time they are also fake. They talked to Macbeth and told him three prophecies, which caused him to become greedy and kill King Duncan. The first time they told him what they saw was in Act 1. They said   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King here- After! (I.i.1-6) These prophecies didn’t seem to be realistic at first. But when he was made Thane of Cawdor, because the other thane was a traitor, he began to become a little power hungry. He thought that if one of the prophecies came true, so would the other. He couldn’t wait, he told Lady Macbeth, who then made a plan to make it happen faster. Her plan was to invite the king over, kill him, and make it look like his guards committed the murder. The witches are nonrealistic as shown they made some things up and caused a lot of trouble by doing so. Also, at the banquet for the new king, Macbeth, Macbeth thought that he saw a ghost, although he was the only one who could see it. It was the ghost of Banquo, who should have become king rather Macbeth. He was sitting in the chair where he would have been sitting had he become king. This is how it was meant to be, with Banquo being king.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another example of the illusion vs. reality theme was when the witches showed Macbeth the three apparitions. They show him an armed head, a bloody child, and a child crowned bearing a tree.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Good and Evil in Tess of the dUrbervilles Essay -- Tess of the dUrbe

Good and Evil in Tess of the d'Urbervilles Though the central action of Tomas Hardy's novel "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" centres on Tess, the other characters are not lacking in interest and individuality. Undoubtedly, Tess's life is marked by two contradictory temperaments, those of the sensual Alec d'Urberville and the intellectual Angel Clare. Both characters are described with artistic detail to show a blend of weakness and strength governed by fate. Both are flesh and symbol complementing the other in the fall and rise, rise and fall again of Tess herself, and both play crucial roles in shaping her destiny. Although Alec is the evil man in Tess's life, he has some good qualities, coming trough us more as a man than Angel does. Alec is tall with a dark complexion, crude red lips and black moustache. There are touches of barbarism in his contour as well as a singular force in his face. Alec feels sexually attracted to Tess from the very beginning and showing to be straightforward with regard to what he wants and how to achieve it, he will do anything to take her. Finally, his dark instincts reveal and taking advantage of Tess's youth and innocence, he seduces her. Although we cannot forgive him for raping Tess, we have to recognise that he is not a complete villain. What he shows is a combination of desire to master her again and a genuine regard for her welfare. He is troubled for his sight of her agonizing labor at Flintcomb Ash, he reacts against society for its cruel treatment of Tess's family and he offers to help her in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, Alec is angry at her ingratitu de and very often taunts her about her missing husband, until in the end Tess kills him. The other man in Tess's life is Angel Clar... ...d on a number of levels: Alec abuses Tess in the flesh but Angel in the spirit; Alec's condemnation of Tess's husband finds its equivalent in Angel's unspoken condemnation of Tess's seducer. Alec returns, Angel doesn't until too late; Alec is in Tess's mind her real husband, while Angel who marries her is not and does not consummate the marriage, at least not, until too late. Consequently, it seems to be certain that neither Alec is completely bad nor Angel completely good. In both Hardy is presenting male dominance, with the resulting reduction of the woman in both, the flesh and the spirit. On one side Angel seems to be a better man than Alec but on the other, it is Angel rather than Alec who destroys Tess with his rejection. In conclusion, although different, both men help her and both contribute to her ruin. In relation to both, Tess is in each case a victim.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

One Summer Night :: essays research papers

Remember the day’s when you were once a teenager? Their were so many decisions to make and choices to choose from; yet so many advantages. Now can you remember all of the good times that you had? Always hanging out with your friends, gossiping, having sleep over’s, talking on the phone constantly, and all of the teacher’s whose class you dreaded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now I want you to imagine that it is the last day before summer break. Your parents are taking a trip to Kentucky Lake with some friends, so your stuck home all alone. So you’re pondering what all you could manage to stir up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question isn’t â€Å"what are you going to do† its â€Å"what aren’t you going to do†. What would a normal teenager do on a basis like this. You would just have to be a fool to not have a party. I know a party never works out, your parents always got to find out some way or another. But, maybe just this one time a teenager could actually out smart their all knowing all seeing, parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Don’t get me wrong, I not completely a renegade teenager. I followed my parents rules, for awhile. I watched a movie and fixed me some popcorn. But as far as friends coming over, I didn’t just bend the rule, I broke it completely in half.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of my friends showed up, in all there were about thirty-two, including myself. I got some cool jams, some strobe lights, a fog machine, a black light, and just a few more gadgets to play around with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well, the party kicked off around 6:30. It didn’t start off on a bad note and it began to heat up about 7:00. Half-way through the party, a fight broke out between Chad and Mike. I wasn’t going to break it up, as a matter of fact I thought that the whole thing was hilarious.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At every party something bad has always got to happen. It wasn’t the fight which broke out it was the phone call afterwards. Let me tell you this, it wasn’t the pizza boy who lost his way, it’s your mother checking up on her â€Å"little baby boy†. One Summer Night :: essays research papers Remember the day’s when you were once a teenager? Their were so many decisions to make and choices to choose from; yet so many advantages. Now can you remember all of the good times that you had? Always hanging out with your friends, gossiping, having sleep over’s, talking on the phone constantly, and all of the teacher’s whose class you dreaded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now I want you to imagine that it is the last day before summer break. Your parents are taking a trip to Kentucky Lake with some friends, so your stuck home all alone. So you’re pondering what all you could manage to stir up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The question isn’t â€Å"what are you going to do† its â€Å"what aren’t you going to do†. What would a normal teenager do on a basis like this. You would just have to be a fool to not have a party. I know a party never works out, your parents always got to find out some way or another. But, maybe just this one time a teenager could actually out smart their all knowing all seeing, parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Don’t get me wrong, I not completely a renegade teenager. I followed my parents rules, for awhile. I watched a movie and fixed me some popcorn. But as far as friends coming over, I didn’t just bend the rule, I broke it completely in half.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of my friends showed up, in all there were about thirty-two, including myself. I got some cool jams, some strobe lights, a fog machine, a black light, and just a few more gadgets to play around with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well, the party kicked off around 6:30. It didn’t start off on a bad note and it began to heat up about 7:00. Half-way through the party, a fight broke out between Chad and Mike. I wasn’t going to break it up, as a matter of fact I thought that the whole thing was hilarious.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At every party something bad has always got to happen. It wasn’t the fight which broke out it was the phone call afterwards. Let me tell you this, it wasn’t the pizza boy who lost his way, it’s your mother checking up on her â€Å"little baby boy†.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is the National School Lunch Program a Success or Failure? Essay

Recently there has been revisions to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and schools were required to overhaul their entire menus to provide the students with healthy and nutritious foods including fruits and vegetables. The new school lunch rules are part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 which has been implemented this fall. (Post Standard) The Hunger Act allows the USDA the opportunity to make reforms to the school lunch and breakfast programs. With these revisions come strict guidelines from the federal government that each school district must follow in order to receive funding and reimbursement (National School Lunch Program, 2012, August p. 1). In this essay i will be comparing the positive and negative effects of these recent revisions to the NSLP. I will then discuss whether or not these changes are beneficial to the children receiving the meal and whether NSLP is leaving children hungry or helping children make healthy food choices. The NSLP was established by President Truman in 1946 and has expanded ever since (Congressional Digest, 2010, p. 292). In its first year of the program 7.1 million children participated in the NSLP. Today, thirty-one million children each day get their lunch through NSLP. The cost of this program is approximately $6.1 billion annually and continues to rise with the cost of food (Congressional Digest, 2010, p. 293). The new NLSP standards aim to combat childhood obesity, malnutrition and educate children on how to make healthy food choices. The requirements for kindergarten to fifth grade are as follows: limited sodium and saturated fat, must be trans-fat free,  ½ cup of fruit,  ¾ cup serving of vegetables, 8 oz of fat free milk, 8-10 ounces of meat/meat alternates a week or 1 ounce daily, and 1 oz serving a day of grains and half of the grains offered per week must be whole grain. The calorie range for a lunch, kindergarten through fifth grade is a minimum 550 calories and the maximum is 650 calories. Schools are also required to serve  ½ c dark green,  ¾ c red/ orange, 1/2c legumes and 1/2c starchy vegetables weekly. The revisions have increased the fruits by a  ½ c, vegetables by  ¼ c, decreased the meat from 2 oz to 1 oz, and milk must be fat free or 1% low fat ( Dietary Guidelines 2012). These revisions have been met with positive and negative responses. I decided to discuss this by interviewing Terry Warwick the Director of Food Services at my son’s school Granby Elementary. She is responsible for planning and implementing the changes from the NSLP. She designs the menu, orders the food and continues to attend workshops to stay current with the new guidelines. The first question i asked was, what difficulties did you have implementing the changes to NSLP? She explained that it is difficult to meet the needs of all students with one standard. Many students such as athletes require more calories, so they leave the cafeteria hungry. The school cannot discriminate one group of students over another, so they encourage the students to take everything offered not skipping fruits and vegetables. I then asked her if they are noticing a lot of food waste, students taking the extra fruits and vegetables and then throwing them out. She replied that the students are hungry at lunch, they want to eat therefore they haven’t seen very much waste. Students are given the choice of fruits and vegetables they can refuse two but are required to take three and if they want they can take all fruits and vegetables offered. Terry Warwick informed me that the cost of buying lunch had gone up twenty five cents from last year, i asked her if this is a result of the changes to the NSLP and she said yes. The cost of fruits and vegetables has escalated so they had to increase the cost of lunch. The government subsides our school by $1.50 per meal served if they meet the NSLP requirements. She explained the new guidelines are very strict and require a specific computer program to follow all restrictions based on color, food and serving size. She has seen many positive results to these changes including students are trying more fruits and vegetables that they don’t always get at home. Students are learning to make healthy choices and it is encouraged to see them load up on fruits and vegetables (Interview Terry Warwick, 2012, November, 15). I found this interview very informative. As a parent I was very pleased to know the amount of effort that is being made to plan and prepare the lunch that is served at my son’s school. The changes to the NSLP have had many positive effects on the students that can be seen in their daily performance at school. Children who eat healthy perform, learn, have more energy and are generally happier kids. It is reassuring as a parent to know your child is eating healthier foods at school. The main focus of the NSLP is to teach children to make healthy choices and help combat childhood obesity. Students are learning to eat more fruits and vegetables and to try things they might not have at home. They are more likely to be fit and active and participate in activities like school sports, develop socially and have self confidence. The revision to the NSLP have also had some negative effects on students and parents. Students who do not eat enough fruits and vegetables leave the lunchroom hungry. Parents have children coming home from school starving and this is when the complains begin. Many students who are athletic require more calories than they are given and therefore, needs are not being met by the new NSLP revisions. A recent article in the Post Standard talks about the boycott a student has organized at our local high school. This student is trying to bring attention to this growing problem of students still being hungry after lunch. He states â€Å" 850 calories is ridiculously low,† he said. â€Å"If you get salad, it’s just lettuce and the green beans don’t taste good. So it means I come home and binge eat because I’m so hungry.† (The Post Standard, 29 Oct. 2012). This boycott has been especially difficult for students who receive free lunch. Peer pressure has prevented some from getting sometimes the only meal they eat that day. Another big problem is the decrease in entree size, foods such as meatballs portions have been cut in half so instead of 4 meatballs they get 2. Some articles written on this have said there is a big percentage of food waste especially in high schools as much as 30%. Schools that prepare their meals from scratch have noticed that there is little waste because the food is not processed and fresh. The revisions to the NSLP have had many hurdles to overcome and it is very difficult to have one standard for everyone to follow. As a parent I have listened to both sides of this topic and will evaluate whether or not i think the NSLP is beneficial to the students. I noticed shortly after the first week of school, my son was coming home from school starving. He indicated there wasn’t enough food on the days he bought lunch. After a phone call to the school, i learned about the revisions and talked with him about taking all the food that was offered to him whether or not he liked them. The outcome from this conversation has been great, he has started eating more fruits and vegetables that he wouldn’t even try at home. He has talked more and more about making healthy choices and is asking questions about what foods are healthy and what are not. I really think age is a big factor in implementing the NSLP, children at a young age are more likely to learn how to eat healthy than at a high school age. I think the negative effects we are seeing to these revisions are largely in part because students did not learn how to eat healthy at a young age and it is difficult to change those unhealthy eating patterns as young adults. Teenagers eat an amazing amount of food and it is very hard to have one standard for all, students do have the option to buy a second meal and parents should pack an extra sandwich for athletes so they don’t come home starving. Childhood obesity is growing at an alarming rate and something needs to be done to stop it, if children aren’t learning how to make healthy choices at home then at least they are learning that at school. I think the National School Lunch Program is beneficial in decreasing the rate of childhood obesity and assisting our children adopts healthy eating patterns that will follow them through life. Works Cited Page Concannon, K., (2012). National School Lunch Program. Website: Retrieved on November 16, 2012. Lincoln, B., (2012). Federal Child Nutrition Programs Food Assistance and Dietary Education. Congressional Digest Debates. Retrieved from on November 17, 2012. McGregor, J., (2012). â€Å"Federal School lunches ruled that started this fall leave many Center New York students hungry.† The Post Standard 29 (10). Warrick, T., Personal phone interview on November 14, 2012. Fulton, New York. Dietary Guidelines and the School Nutrition Program from Terry Warwick 11/15/12

Friday, August 16, 2019

Activity and Exercise

Chapter 38: Activity and Exercise! Test Bank! ! MULTIPLE CHOICE! ! 1.! The coordinated efforts of the musculoskeletal and nervous system maintain balance, posture, and body alignment. Body alignment refers to! ! a.! A low center of gravity balanced over a wide base of support.! b.! The result of weight, center of gravity, and balance.! c.! The relationship of one body part to another.! d.! The force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement.! ! !! ANS: C! Body alignment refers to the relationship of one body part to another body part along a horizontal or vertical line.Body balance occurs when a relatively low center of gravity is balanced over a wide, stable base of support. Coordinated body movement is a result of weight, center of gravity, and balance. Friction is a force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement.! !! DIF: Remember! REF:! 746-747! ! OBJ:! Describe the role of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in the regulation of movement.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Te aching/Learning! ! ! ! 2.! A structural curvature of the spine associated with vertebral rotation is known as! a.! Scoliosis.! b.! Osteogenesis.! c.! Osteomalacia.! .! Arthritis.! ! !! ANS: A! Scoliosis is a structural curvature of the spine associated with vertebral rotation. Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited disorder that makes bones porous, short, bowed, and deformed. Osteomalacia is an uncommon metabolic disease characterized by inadequate and delayed mineralization, resulting in compact and spongy bone. Arthritis is an inflammatory joint disease characterized by inflammation or destruction of the synovial membrane and articular cartilage, and by systemic signs of inflammation.! !! DIF: Remember! REF:! 749! ! OBJ:!Discuss physiological and pathological influences on body alignment and joint mobility.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! a.! 3.! Unlike arthritis, joint degeneration! Occurs only from noninflammatory disease.! b.! Occurs only from inflammatory di sease.! c.! Involves overgrowth of bone at the articular ends.! d.! Affects mostly non–weight-bearing joints! ! !! ANS: C! Joint degeneration, which can occur with inflammatory and noninflammatory disease, is marked by changes in articular cartilage combined with overgrowth of bone at the articular ends. Degenerative changes commonly affect weight-bearing joints.! ! DIF: Understand! REF:! 749! ! OBJ:! Discuss physiological and pathological influences on body alignment and joint mobility.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The nurse is providing care to a patient who is bedridden. To prevent fatigue, the nurse raises the height of the bed. The nurse understands that balance is maintained by raising the bed to! ! 4.! a.! Prevent a shift in the nurse’s base of support.! b.! Narrow the base of support.! c.! Allow the nurse to bring his or her feet close together.! d.! Shift the center of gravity further away from the base of support.! ! !! ANS:A! Raising the h eight of the bed when performing a procedure prevents bending too far at the waist and causing a shift in the base of support. Balance is maintained by maintaining proper body alignment and posture through two simple techniques. First, widen the base of support by separating the feet to a comfortable distance. Second, increase balance by bringing the center of gravity closer to the base of support.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 747! ! OBJ:! Discuss physiological and pathological influences on body alignment and joint mobility.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! 5.!Approximately what percentage of all back pain is associated with manual lifting tasks?! a.! 10%! b.! 25%! c.! 50%! d.! 75%! ! !! ANS: C! Half of all back pain is associated with manual lifting tasks.! !! DIF: Remember! REF:! 758! ! OBJ:! Describe how to maintain and use proper body mechanics.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! ! The nurse is preparing to position an immobile patient. Before doin g so, the nurse must understand that! ! 6.! a.! Manual lifting is the easier method and should be tried first.! b.! Following body mechanics principles alone will prevent back injury.! c.!Body mechanics can be ignored when patient handling equipment is used.! d.! Body mechanics alone are not sufficient to prevent injuries.! ! !! ANS: D! Body mechanics alone are not sufficient to prevent musculoskeletal injuries when positioning or transferring patients. The use of patient-handling equipment in combination with proper body mechanics is more effective than either one in isolation. Body mechanics cannot be ignored even when patient handling equipment is being used. Manual lifting is the last resort, and it is only used when it does not involve lifting most or all of the patient’s weight.! !! DIF: Understand!REF:! 758! ! OBJ:! Describe how to maintain and use proper body mechanics.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! ! ! 7.! The nurse is preparing to reposition a pa tient. Before doing so, the nurse must! a.! Assess the weight to be lifted and the assistance needed.! b.! Attempt to manually lift the patient alone before asking for assistance.! c.! Attempt a manual lift only when lifting most or all of the patient’s weight.! d.! Not use the agency lift team if a mechanical lift is available.! ! !! ANS: A! Before lifting, assess the weight to be lifted and determine the assistance needed and the resources available.Manual lifting is the last resort, and it is used when the task at hand does not involve lifting most or all of the patient’s weight. Use safe patient handling equipment in conjunction with agency lift teams to reduce the risk of injury to the patient and members of the health care team.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 758! ! OBJ:! Describe how to maintain and use proper body mechanics.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! ! Isotonic, isometric, and resistive isometric are three categories of exercise. They are cl assified according to the type of muscle contraction involved.Of the following exercises, which are considered isotonic?! ! 8.! a.! Bicycling, swimming, walking, jogging, dancing! b.! Tightening or tensing of muscles without moving body parts! c.! Push-ups, hip lifting, pushing feet against a footboard on the bed! d.! Quadriceps set exercises and contraction of the gluteal muscles! ! !! ANS: A! Examples of isotonic exercises are walking, swimming, dance aerobics, jogging, bicycling, and moving arms and legs with light resistance. Isometric exercises involve tightening or tensing of muscles without moving body parts. Examples include quadriceps set exercises and contraction of the gluteal muscles.Examples of resistive isometric exercises are push-ups and hip lifting, as well as placing a footboard on the foot of the bed for patients to push against with their feet.! !! DIF: Remember! REF:! 747! ! OBJ:! Describe how exercise and activity benefit physiological and psychological functio ning.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! 9.! In planning a physical activity program for a patient, the nurse must understand that! ! a.! Isotonic exercises cause contraction without changing muscle length.! b.! The best program includes a combination of exercises.! c.!Isometric contraction involves the movement of body parts.! d.! Resistive isometric exercises can lead to bone wasting.! ! !! ANS: B! The best program of physical activity includes a combination of exercises that produce different physiological and psychological benefits. Isotonic exercises cause muscle contractions and changes in muscle length. Isometric exercises involve tightening or tensing of muscles without moving body parts. Resistive isometric exercises help promote muscle strength and provide sufficient stress against bone to promote osteoblastic activity.! !! DIF: Understand!REF:! 747! ! OBJ:! Describe how exercise and activity benefit physiological and psychological functioning.! TOP:! Assessme nt! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! An active lifestyle is important for maintaining and promoting health. In developing an exercise program, the nurse understands that! ! 10.! a.! Physical exercise is contraindicated for patients with chronic illnesses.! b.! Regular physical activity is beneficial only for the body part that is exercised.! c.! Physical exercise has no effect on psychological well-being.! d.! Physical activity enhances functioning of all body systems.! !! ANS: D! Regular physical activity and exercise enhance the functioning of all body systems, including cardiopulmonary functioning, musculoskeletal fitness, weight control and maintenance, and psychological well-being. It is also essential in treatment for chronic illness.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 747! ! OBJ:! Describe the benefits of implementing an exercise program for the purpose of health promotion.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! 11.! The nurse is developing an exercise program for elderly patien ts living in a nursing home.To develop a beneficial health promotion program, the nurse needs to understand that when dealing with the elderly! ! a.! Exercise is of very little benefit because the patients are old.! b.! It is important to disregard their current interests in favor of exercise.! c.! No physical benefit can be gained without a formal exercise program.! d.! Adjustments to exercise programs may have to be made to prevent problems.! ! !! ANS: D! Exercise is extremely beneficial for older adults, but adjustments to an exercise program may have to be made for those of advanced age to prevent problems.When developing an exercise program for any older adult, consider not only the person’s current activity level, range of motion, muscle strength and tone, and response to physical activity, but also the person’s interests, capacities, and limitations. Older adults who are unable to participate in a formal exercise program are able to achieve the benefits of impro ved joint mobility and enhanced circulation by simply stretching and exaggerating movements during performance of routine activities of daily living.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 759! ! OBJ:! Describe the benefits of implementing an exercise program for the purpose of health promotion.!TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The nurse is attempting to start an exercise program in a local community as a health promotion project. In explaining the purpose of the project, the nurse explains to community leaders that! ! 12.! a.! A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of health-related problems.! b.! The recommended frequency of workouts should be twice a day.! c.! An exercise prescription should incorporate aerobic exercise only.! d.! The purpose of weight training is to bulk up muscles.! ! !! ANS: A! A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of health-related problems.A holistic approach is taken to develop overall fitness and includes warm-ups, aerobic ex ercise, resistance training, weight training, and so forth. The recommended frequency of aerobic exercise is 3 to 5 times per week or every other day for approximately 30 minutes. Crosstraining is recommended for the patient who prefers to exercise every day. Some patients use weight training to bulk up their muscles. However, the purposes of weight training from a health perspective are to develop tone and strength and to simulate and maintain healthy bone.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 796-797! ! OBJ:!Describe the benefits of implementing exercise and activity.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! The patient is eager to begin his exercise program with a 2-mile jog. The nurse instructs the patient to warm up with stretching exercises. The patient states that he is ready and does not want to waste time with a â€Å"warm-up. † The nurse explains that the warm-up! ! 13.! a.! Allows the body to readjust gradually to baseline functioning.! b.! Prepares the body and dec reases the potential for injury.! c.! Should not involve stretching exercises because they can lead to injury.! d.!Should be performed with high intensity to prepare for the coming challenge.! ! !! ANS: B! The warm-up activity prepares the body for activity and decreases the potential for injury. It usually lasts about 5 to 10 minutes and may include stretching, calisthenics, and/or aerobic activity performed at a lower intensity. The cool-down period allows the body to readjust gradually to baseline functioning and provides an opportunity to combine movement such as stretching with relaxation-enhancing mind-body awareness.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 757! ! OBJ:! Describe the benefits of implementing exercise and activity.!TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! Many patients find it difficult to incorporate an exercise program into their daily lives because of time constraints. For these patients, it is beneficial to reinforce that many ADLs are used to accumulate the reco mmended 30 minutes or more per day of moderate-intensity physical activity. When instructing these patients, the nurse explains that! ! 14.! a.! Housework is not considered an aerobic exercise.! b.! To strengthen back muscles, the patient should bend using back muscles.! c.! Daily chores should begin with gentle stretches.! d.!The patient should stick to one chore until it is done before beginning a new one.! ! !! ANS: C! Daily chores should begin with gentle stretches. Housework is considered aerobic exercise. To make it more aerobic, work faster and scrub harder. Bend your legs rather than your back to prevent back injury. Alternate cleaning activities to prevent overworking the same muscle groups.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 757! ! OBJ:! Describe important factors to consider when planning an exercise program for patients across the life span and for those with specific chronic illnesses.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! 15.!The nurse is developing an exercise plan for someone diagnosed with congestive heart failure and exercise intolerance. In doing so, the nurse should! ! a.! Plan for 20 minutes of continuous aerobic activity and increase as tolerated.! b.! Perform 6-minute walks at the patient’s pace at least 2 times a day.! c.! Instruct the patient that he should not take his beta blocker medication on exercise days.! d.! Encourage a high-calorie diet to plan for extra calorie expenditure.! ! !! ANS: B! For the diagnosis of exercise intolerance, the patient should begin by performing 6minute walks at his own pace at least twice a day.The patient would not be able to tolerate 20 minutes of continuous aerobic activity. Patients should be instructed to take medications as ordered. Low-calorie, low-sodium, and high-protein diets are best for this type of patient.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 755! ! OBJ:! Describe important factors to consider when planning an exercise program for patients across the life span and for those with specific chroni c illnesses.! TOP:! Implementation! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! Which of the following exercise activities would most likely provide the opportunity for mind-body awareness?! 16.! a.! Warm-up activity! b.! Resistance training! c.! Aerobic exercise! d.! Cool-down activity! ! !! ANS: D! The cool-down period allows the body to readjust gradually to baseline functioning and provides an opportunity to combine movement such as stretching with relaxationenhancing mind-body awareness. The warm-up activity prepares the body and decreases the potential for injury. Aerobic exercise includes running, bicycling, jumping rope, and so forth, and is the main portion of exercise activity; it precedes the cool-down period.Resistance training increases muscle strength and endurance and is associated with improved performance of daily activities but not with enhancing mind-body awareness.! !! DIF: Analyze! REF:! 757! ! OBJ:! Describe important factors to consider when planning an exercise program for patients across the life span and for those with specific chronic illnesses.! TOP:! Evaluation! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The patient is brought to the emergency department with possible injury to his shoulder. To help determine the degree of injury, the nurse should evaluate! ! 17.! a.!The patient’s gait.! b.! The patient’s range of motion.! c.! Fine motor coordination.! d.! Activity tolerance.! ! !! ANS: B! Assessing range of motion is one assessment technique used to determine the degree of damage or injury to a joint. Gait is the manner or style of walking. It may have little bearing on the shoulder damage. Assessing fine motor coordination would be beneficial in helping to assess the patient’s ability to perform tasks but would not help in evaluating the shoulder. Activity tolerance refers to the type and amount of exercise or activity a person is able to perform.Damage to the shoulder would affect this, but this would not have a direct bearing on the am ount of damage done to the shoulder.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 752-753! ! OBJ:! Assess patients for impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! The nurse is examining a patient who is admitted to the emergency department with severe elbow pain. Of the following situations, which would cause the nurse to suspect a ligament tear or joint fracture?! ! 18.! a.! Range of motion of the elbow is limited.! b.! Joint motion is greater than normal.! c.!The patient has arthritis.! d.! The elbow cannot be moved (frozen).! ! !! ANS: B! Increased mobility (beyond normal) of a joint may indicate connective tissue disorders, ligament tears, or possible joint fractures. Limited range of motion often indicates inflammation such as arthritis, fluid in the joint, altered nerve supply, or contractures (frozen joints).! !! DIF: Analyze! REF:! 752-753! ! OBJ:! Assess patients for impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Evaluation! MSC:! Teachin g/Learning! ! ! ! The patient has been bedridden for several months owing to severe congestive heart disease.In determining a plan of care for this patient that will address his activity level, the nurse formulates which of the following nursing diagnoses?! ! 19.! a.! Fatigue related to poor physical condition! b.! Impaired gas exchange related to decreased cardiac output! c.! Decreased cardiac output related to decreased myocardial contractility! d.! Activity intolerance related to physical deconditioning! ! !! ANS: D! When activity and exercise are problems for a patient, nursing diagnoses often focus on the individual’s ability to move. The diagnostic label directs nursing interventions.In this case, physical deconditioning must be addressed relative to activity level, perhaps leading to 6-minute walks twice a day. Physical deconditioning is the cause of fatigue as well, so it would take priority over that diagnosis. Decreased cardiac output and myocardial contractility ar e serious concerns that must be addressed before activity intolerance to keep the patient safe and to help determine the level of exercise that the patient can tolerate, but reconditioning of the patient’s body will help improve contractility and cardiac output.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 753| 755! ! OBJ:!Formulate nursing diagnoses for patients experiencing problems with impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! The patient weighs 450 lbs (204. 5 kg) and complains of shortness of breath with any exertion. His health care provider has recommended that he begin an exercise program. He states that he can hardly get out of bed and just cannot do anything around the house. To focus on the cause of the patient’s complaints, the nurse devises which of the following nursing diagnoses?! ! 20.! a.! Activity intolerance related to excessive weight! .! Activity intolerance related to bed rest! c.! Impaired gas exchange related to sh ortness of breath! d.! Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements! ! !! ANS: A! The diagnostic label directs nursing interventions. This requires the correct selection of related factors. For example, Activity intolerance related to excess weight gain requires very different interventions than if the related factor is prolonged bed rest. In this case, the intolerance is related to the patient’s excessive weight. He is not on bed rest, although he claims that it is difficult for him to get out of bed.Shortness of breath is a symptom, not a cause, of Impaired gas exchange, making this nursing diagnosis ineffective. The patient certainly has an imbalance of nutrition, but it is more than body requirements.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 753! ! OBJ:! Formulate nursing diagnoses for patients experiencing problems with impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! The patient is being admitted for elective knee surgery. While the nurse is admitting the patient, she will! ! 21.! a.! Begin to develop a discharge plan.! b.!Plan to wait until after the surgery to plan for discharge.! c.! Place a generalized discharge plan in the record for later use.! d.! Address immediate needs of the patient only and address other needs later.! ! !! ANS: A! The nurse needs to begin discharge planning when the patient enters the health care system. The nurse cannot wait until after surgery to begin to plan for discharge. In addition, the discharge plan is always individualized to the patient and directed at meeting the actual and/or potential needs of the patient.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 754! ! OBJ:!Write a nursing care plan for a patient with impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The patient is admitted with a stroke. The outcome of this disorder is uncertain, but the patient is unable to move his right arm and leg. The nurse understands that! ! 22.! a.! Active range of motio n is the only thing that will prevent contractures from forming.! b.! Passive range of motion must be instituted to help prevent contracture formation.! c.! Range-of-motion exercises should be started 2 days after the patient is stable.! d.!Range-of-motion exercises should be done on major joints only.! ! !! ANS: B! When patients cannot participate in active range of motion, the nurse must institute passive range of motion to maintain joint mobility and prevent contractures. Passive range of motion can be substituted for active when needed. For the patient who does not have voluntary motor control, passive range-of-motion exercises are the exercises of choice. Unless contraindicated, the nursing care plan includes exercising each joint (not just major joints) through as nearly a full range of motion as possible.Initiate passive range-of-motion exercises as soon as the patient loses the ability to move the extremity or joint.! !! DIF: Understand! REF:! 759! ! OBJ:! Describe intervent ions for maintaining activity tolerance and mobility.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The patient has been in bed for several days and needs to be ambulated. Before ambulation, the nurse! ! 23.! a.! Removes the gait belt to allow for unrestricted movement.! b.! Has the patient get up from bed before he has a chance to get dizzy.! c.! Has the patient look down to watch his feet to prevent tripping.! d.!Dangles the patient on the side of the bed.! ! !! ANS: D! Some patients experience orthostatic hypotension—a drop in blood pressure that occurs when the patient changes from a horizontal to a vertical position. Assist the patient to a position of sitting at the side of the bed, and dangle for 1 to 2 minutes before standing. The nurse needs to provide support at the waist so that the patient’s center of gravity remains midline. This is achieved with the use of a gait belt. A gait belt encircles the patient’s waist and may have handles attached for th e nurse to hold while the patient ambulates.The patient should maintain as normal a walking posture as possible with the head erect.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 759! ! OBJ:! Describe interventions for maintaining activity tolerance and mobility.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! 24.! The nurse is ambulating a patient in the hall when she notices that he is beginning to fall. The nurse should! ! a.! Grab the patient and hold him tight to prevent the fall.! b.! Gently lower the patient to the floor.! c.! Jump back and let the patient fall naturally.! d.! Push the patient against the wall and guide him to the floor.! !! ANS: B! If the patient has a fainting episode or begins to fall, assume a wide base of support with one foot in front of the other, thus supporting the patient’s body weight. Then extend one leg and let the patient slide against the leg, and gently lower the patient to the floor, protecting the patient’s head. Grabbing the patient will shift t he nurse’s center of gravity and may lead to a back injury. Allowing the patient to fall could lead to head injury for the patient. Pushing the patient against the wall could also cause the patient to hit his head and cause injury.! !! DIF:Apply! REF:! 759! ! OBJ:! Describe interventions for maintaining activity tolerance and mobility.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! a.! 25.! In assisting the patient to exercise, the nurse should! Expect that pain will occur with exercise of unused muscle groups.! b.! Set the pace for the exercise class.! c.! Force muscles or joints to go just beyond resistance.! d.! Stop the exercise if pain is experienced.! ! !! ANS: D! Assess for pain, shortness of breath, or a change in vital signs. If present, stop exercise. Let each patient exercise at his or her own pace.Assess for joint limitations, and do not force a muscle or a joint during exercise.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 759! ! OBJ:! Describe interventions for maintaining act ivity tolerance and mobility.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! The nurse is developing a plan of care for a patient diagnosed with activity intolerance. Of the following strategies, which has the best chance of maintaining patient compliance?! ! 26.! a.! Performing 20 minutes of aerobic exercise daily with 10 minute warm-up and cool-down periods! b.! Instructing the patient to use an exercise log to record day, time, duration, and responses to exercise activity! .! Instructing the patient on the evils of not exercising, and getting her to take responsibility for her current health status! d.! Arranging for the patient to join a gym that she will have to pay, for so that she does not need to depend on insurance! ! !! ANS: B! Keeping a log may increase adherence to an exercise prescription. Cross-training (combination of exercise activities) provides variety to combat boredom and increases the potential for total body conditioning as opposed to daily aerobic exerci se. â€Å"Blaming† a patient for his or her health status is usually counterproductive.Instead, the nurse should instruct the patient about the physiological benefits of a regular exercise program. Developing a plan of exercise that the patient may perform at home may improve compliance.! !! DIF: Evaluate! REF:! 756! ! OBJ:! Evaluate the nursing care plan for maintaining activity and exercise for patients across the life span and with specific chronic illnesses.! TOP:! Evaluation! MSC:! Teaching/ Learning! ! 27.! The nurse is working with the patient in developing an exercise plan. The patient tells the nurse that she just will not participate in a formal exercise program.The nurse then suggests that exercise activities can be incorporated into activities of daily living. The patient seems to be agreeable to that concept. Of the following activities, which would be considered a moderate-intensity activity?! ! a.! Doing laundry! b.! Making the bed! c.! Ironing! d.! Folding clo thes! ! !! ANS: D! Low-intensity ADLs include doing the laundry, making the bed, ironing, and washing dishes. Moderate-intensity ADLs include sweeping the kitchen or sidewalk, washing windows, folding clothes, and vacuuming.! !! DIF: Evaluate! REF:! 757! ! OBJ:!Evaluate the nursing care plan for maintaining activity and exercise for patients across the life span and with specific chronic illnesses.! TOP:! Evaluation! MSC:! Teaching/ Learning! ! MULTIPLE RESPONSE! ! Bones perform five functions in the body: support, protection, movement, mineral storage, and hematopoiesis. In the discussion of body mechanics, which are the most important? (Select all that apply. )! ! 1.! a.! Support! b.! Protection! c.! Movement! d.! Mineral storage! e.! Hematopoiesis! ! !! ANS: A, C! Bones perform five functions in the body: support, protection, movement, mineral storage, and hematopoiesis.In the discussion of body mechanics, two of these functions —support and movement—are most import ant. In support, bones serve as the framework and contribute to the shape, alignment, and positioning of body parts. In movement, bones together with their joints constitute levers for muscle attachment. As muscles contract and shorten, they pull on bones, producing joint movement. Protection involves encasing the soft tissue organs in a protective cage. Mineral storage helps to strengthen bones but also helps regulate blood levels of certain nutrients. Hematopoiesis is the formation of blood cells.! !! DIF: Remember!REF:! 747! ! OBJ:! Describe the role of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems in the regulation of movement.! TOP:! Assessment! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! When assessing the activity tolerance of a patient, the nurse would evaluate which of the following? (Select all that apply. )! ! 2.! a.! Skeletal abnormalities! b.! Emotional factors! c.! Age! d.! Pregnancy status! e.! Race! ! !! ANS: A, B, C, D! Factors influencing activity tolerance include physiological factor s such as skeletal abnormalities, emotional factors such as anxiety/depression, developmental factors such as age and gender, and pregnancy status.Race is not a factor because people of all races are faced with similar factors that affect their activity tolerance.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 754! ! OBJ:! Assess patients for impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning! ! ! ! In developing a nursing care plan for increasing activity tolerance in a patient, the nurse should (Select all that apply. )! ! 3.! a.! Use generalized therapies because they work for everyone.! b.! Consult with members of the health care team.! c.!Avoid goals published by the American College of Sports Medicine.! d.! Involve the patient and the patient’s family in designing an exercise plan.! e.! Consider the patient’s ability to increase activity level.! ! !! ANS: B, D, E! When planning care, the nurse should consult/collaborate with members of the health care team to increase activity, involve the patient and family in designing an activity and exercise plan (especially if family members are also providers of care), and consider the patient’s ability to increase activity level.Therapies should be individualized to the patient’s activity tolerance. Information from the American College of Sports Medicine serves as a standard that the nurse should use when applying activity and exercise goals.! !! DIF: Apply! REF:! 754! ! OBJ:! Write a nursing care plan for a patient with impaired mobility and activity intolerance.! TOP:! Implementation!! MSC:! Teaching/Learning!